Thursday, June 10, 2010

Make Search Results Show in Google Search page posts

If we put "Google Adsense for Search" or search engine from google adsense, there are three kinds of ways to display the search results, namely:
1. Open results on Google in the Same Window (shown on the same page)
2. Open results on Google in a new window (shown at page new)
3. Open results within my own site (displayed on site that we want).

The easiest is to use the first and second ways, but this way makes the search less pungunjung who do so enthusiastically because of its search results were no longer in our blog. If I think a third way is the best who, because of its search results would be in our web / blog. But this method requires a few tricks that can appear inside blogger posts. Who want to know here's how:

1. Create a posting on the blogger, but it is empty. then given the title.
2. Change the date to the date posting who let no longer appear on the main page. how to click the "Post Options" (bottom left) is in the box then "Post date and time" that the date changed. if already "Publish Post"
3. Sign on the "edit post" then right click the link 'View' on the title vacant posts created last km, then select "Copy link location" (for those who pake opera). The point is to take the title posting a link from this nonsense.
3. Furthermore, the login in google adsense, then create a "Adsense for search."
5. do some of the setting, such as appearance and choose other.
6. Then, when entered into the "Opening of the search results page" select the "Open results within my own site", then input the link into the box below your post earlier.
7. Then inside the box "Enter width of results area:" instead of a number of smaller to fit inside the main part (postings) blog. Minimum of 500 px.
8. Keep the next step until km later given a script from google. Usually there will be two scripts, the first to Foor Search Enginenya, the second to the search results.
9. Copy the script and the first who put in blogger, "Page Elements -> Add page element -> Html / Javascript".
10. The latter is also the same script, copy it to the "Page Elements -> Add page element -> Html / Javascript", but then slide / script pagelement second place earlier, down from the main element / postings.


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